
Lily Swain is a visual artist and educator living in the Ottawa Valley with her family. She is a graduate of the Emily Carr University of Art and Design BFA program (Vancouver, BC) and has a degree in Art Education from York University (Toronto, ON).

Lily’s recent work focuses on personal expression and a need for solace in a time when our world faces a myriad of complex challenges. She looks outside for comfort and meaning in her relationship to nature. This work is stripped down and simplified, focusing on gesture, colour and composition. An acoustic version of past work, an ode to our planet, a love letter to Mother Earth. 

This new series incorporates Lily’s love of painting, drawing, and mixed media. Large brushstrokes, gesture and movement are an integral part of this work. An expression of intangible emotions related to memory, dreams, fear, loss, growth, and renewal. Each piece tells a story through the eyes of a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and artist seeking to live in the present moment.
